《搏擊會》導演David Fincher親評中國「重製版」結局:這不是一部以可愛討喜而聞名的電影

著名經典電影《搏擊會》(Fight Club)早前於中國騰訊視頻上架時為配合內地的審查機制,電影結局慘遭更改。中國版的結局刪減了大樓爆炸的場景,還草率地以黑底白字交代結尾,指「警方速偵破了整個計畫,逮捕了所有罪犯,成功阻止炸彈爆炸。經過審判,泰勒(Tyler Durden)被送往精神病院接受心理治療並於2012年出院。」此結局引來多方負評,認為騰訊活生生把原本激盪的反資本結局改成警方勝利的籠統結局做法太爛,最近電影的導演David Fincher(大衛芬奇)受外媒《Empire》訪問時,也親自評論此事。

David Fincher表示:「對我來說有趣的是,製作中國版結局的人肯定讀過 Chuck Palahniuk的《搏擊會》小說,因為它非常接近小說的結局,小說的「Jack」 也被送往精神病院。」

接著他表示:「一家公司從New Regency授權這部電影在中國放映,並附有合約:『你必須了解可能會出於審查制度而進行剪輯』。沒有人會說:『如果我們不喜歡結局,我們可以改變它嗎?』,所以究竟『剪輯(Trims)』的含義是甚麼。」

他還指:「如果你不喜歡這個故事,為什麼要授權這部電影?這部電影都已經20 年了,它一向不是以可愛討喜而聞名。」

“It’s funny to me that the people who wrote the Band-Aid [ending] in China must have read the book, because it adheres pretty closely,” the director tells Empire, noting the similarities to the final pages of Chuck Palahniuk’s novel, where ‘Jack’ is in an institution at the end. What happened with this Chinese ending, then? “Here’s what we know,” he says.

“A company licensed the film from New Regency to show it in China, with a boilerplate [contract]: ‘You have to understand cuts may be made for censhorship purposes.’ No-one said, ‘If we don’t like the ending, can we change it?’ So there’s now a discussion being had as to what ‘trims’ means.”

While the ‘trims’ are more significant than that word implies, Fincher is less frustrated, more bemused by the whole situation. “If you don’t like this story, why would you license this movie?” he asks. “It makes no sense to me when people go, ‘I think it would be good for our service if we had your title on it… we just want it to be a different movie.’ The fucking movie is 20 years old. It’s not like it had a reputation for being super cuddly.” We are Jack’s hastily-slapped-on happy ending.

