


男:「Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
女:「So I went to this troll spa the other day and I wound up with dreadlocks and a frigging bone in my nose! I mean come on! Who PAYS for that?
女:「Is that a mana wyrm in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?」
女:「Normally, I only ride on epic mounts... But, let's talk.」

男:「Are you sure you're not part-demon? I find myself wanting to stalk you.」
男:「I hope you like tattoos, because they're permanent. If you don't believe me, you could try rubbing them off.」
女:「Of course these are real. You...mean the tattoos, right?」

男:「Interested in joining the mile deep club?」

男:「When we arrived here I lost many jewels that had been in my family for generations. If you could get your hands on my family jewels I would be deeply appreciative.」
男:「Would you be offended if I said that you had a beautiful transgoto? The other one, that's not bad either.」
女:「Yes, they are real, and they can cut glass.」
女:「I want you to *lick and splat* my *gurgling noises* *slurping noises*」
(我要你*舔和啪*我的*咕嚕聲* *啜飲聲*)

男:「Oh, I'm having a wardrobe malfunction! ('twang') Ooo, there's me hammer.」
男:「You look pretty, I like your hair, here's a drink... Are you ready now?」
男:「I must be asleep, 'cause you are a dream come true. Also, I'm slightly damp.」
女:「No they're not real, but thanks for noticing.」
女:「It's like my father always used to say: 'Shut up, and get out.'」
女:「My Uncle has brass balls, no really!」
女:「I give myself a Dutch oven pedicure every night. I've got no foot fungus at all. My toes are pristine.」
女:「I'll have you know I can flatten steel with my thighs.」

男:「I'd like to give a shout out to my boys in Gnomeregan. Keeping it real Big-T, Snoop-Pup and Little Dees. Y'all are short, but you're real, baby!」

男:「Yeah. He told me to tie her up and do whatever I wanted to her... so I took her stereo!」
男:「Ever rode a rocket before? Mine's huge.」

男:「I like my women the way I like my fuses: Short, fast and ready to blow.」
男:「I got what you need. *sound of zipper*」
女:「I'm a modern goblin woman. Independent? I still let men do nice things to me. But I stopped giving them any credit.」
女:「I'm a free spirit. I don't like to be tied down. What? You mean literally? Oh no... totally into that.」
女:「Out of the way, you nobgoblin!」
女:「I'm short and good with my hands... how can you resist?」
女:「Is that your wallet? Or are you just glad to see me? Both I hope!」
女:「So then, he asked me to go up on him!」

男:「Trust me... I have experience at exploring deep places.」
女:「Are you staring at my rack?」
女:「You don't need to be from the Skyhorn tribe to join the mile high club.」
(您無需來自天角部落都可加入「Mile high」俱樂部。)

男:「A guy walked up to me and said 'I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam, I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam!' and I said 'Relax man, you're too tense!'」
(一個人走到我面前說:“我是帳篷,我是棚屋,我是帳篷,我是棚屋!” 我說“放鬆點,你太緊張了!”)
女:「Why does everyone automatically assume I know tailoring and cooking?」
女:「I like to fart in the tub.」

女:「Have you seen Prophet Velen's new dance? He calls it the 'Mac'Areena'!」
女:「When in doubt... touch anything that glows.」
女:「Let's go back to my ship and twist our nethers.」
女:「I admire a soldier who can... remain... at attention.」

男:「Why yes, I do have a vibrate setting! Why does everyone keep asking?」
女:「I used to be a ten, but then I upgraded to an eleven.」

男:「Mmmm, I wanna tap that ley line.」
女:「Is that an illusion in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?」
女:「There's no area denial in this raid.」

男:「I hope you're not afraid of snakes.」
女:「Oh, look, I'm dancing again! I hope all your friends are enjoying the show...」
女:「Sure, I've got exotic piercings.」

男:「That armor looks good on you. It would look even better on my floor.」
男:「Um... You look like a lady.」
女:「What's estrogen? Can you eat it?」

男:「Yeah, I would tap dat keg.」
(是的,我會輕拍 dat keg。)
男:「Hey, hot stuff. Want to try breeding in captivity?」
男:「Nice pants. What's the drop rate?」
男:「Hey gorgeous. Wanna try crane position? Oh no... For you, monkey style.」
(你好美女。想試試吊車姿勢?哦不... 對你來說,猴子風格。)
女:「Oh, I've never done THAT before.. Uh... You're not doing it right...」
女:「Let me show you my kung fu grip.」

男:「Homogenized? No way, I like the ladies.」
男:「I know it seems strange, but I'm practically a cow. So why am I wearing leather?」
男:「Free rides for the ladies.」
男:「Y'know, older bulls really only have one function.」
女:「One time I laughed so hard I milked all over the floor.」
女:「I've got big, soulful eyes, long eyelashes and a wet tongue. What more could a guy want?」

男:「I've got a shrunken head: I just came out of the pool.」
男:「I heard if you cut off an extremity it'll regenerate a little bigger. Don't believe it.」
男:「I like my women dumpy and droopy with halitosis.」
男:「Want some of my jungle love?」
女:「When enraged, and in heat, a female troll can mate over 80 times in one night. Be you prepared?」
(當被激怒和發情時,雌性食人妖在一夜之間可以交配超過 80 次。你準備好了嗎?)

男:「Once you go dead, you never go back.」
女:「Yes, they're REAL! They're not mine, but they're real!」
女:「Us undead girls really know how to have a good time, because after all, what's the worst thing that could happen?」
